Forte Testing and Consultants Co., Ltd Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) with registration no. 191
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Corporation Strategy

Test Scheduling and Planning

Fire resistance products require proofs of confidence by fire resistance tests, or together with professional assessment reports, or a combination of both. FORTE is keen to give advices on test designs to its clients.

It should be noted that fire resistance assessments are composed under definite guidance. Sufficient relevant test evidences, such as test reports issued by accredited laboratories, on products of similar constructions must be presented. Moreover, degree of deviation from original product is limited, for example, changes in aspect ratio or replacement of ironmongeries are only permitted within particular range.

So a comprehensive test program greatly reduces your time and costs on development of a product series. We offer test plus assessments packages so that, you are only required to put a few samples under test to validate essential fire resistances. These tests are designed to provide enough information for further assessments. As a result, you will get a full set of reports covering a wide range of products easily and are no longer required to test every single item!

Development Advices

We understand it is unfeasible for our clients to read through complicated building regulations and dig into every market message; therefore, we will update our clients time by time to highlight important points on the latest news and market trend.

We hope to work close together with our clients. We promote synergy among participants for a bright future!